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REVIEWS: 'The Man Who Snapped His Fingers,' by Fariba Hachtroudi and "Morgue: A Life in Death," by Vincent Di Maio

Author: Ginny Green
Newspaper: Star Tribune
Date: Aug 30 2016

This prizewinning Iranian-French author tells a gritty and arresting tale of a woman held in a military prison in an unnamed theological republic who is brutally tortured but refuses to give up the man she loves. She is spared a dehumanizing end only when a high-ranking colonel stops the assault with a snap of his fingers — an act he makes for selfish reasons we’ll come to understand.

Their paths cross later in the free world and the pair begin a perplexing relationship. They share flashbacks, told in their two alternating voices, which Fariba Hachtroudi writes in a frenetic and exhausting style. We are led through a gantlet of politics, ambition, romance and the drama of trying to find beauty in such a flawed world.

The story leaves us chilled by the tyrannical culture that created this macabre bond. But at the end, it’s just as much a tale of the capacity to love.