Micha, an Israeli expat in Los Angeles working as a ghostwriter, receives an unexpected invitation. Adella, married to his beloved uncle, has bought him a ticket to Israel and booked a boutique hotel, so that he can return home and meet with her.
Years before, Micha was the bridesman at Adella’s wedding. He remembers her as a rebellious young woman, and orphan and an outsider, who was mocked by his close-knit family of Persian Jews. Micha is stunned by the Adella of today – poised, confident, with nothing of the uneasiness he remembers from the past. When Adella finally reveals the true story of her life, powerful memories resurface in Micha, although nothing can prepare him for the surprise she has in store for him…
With a beguiling cast of characters and their interwoven stories, The Bridesman is a moving tale about family, place, and the unceasing power of the past to reshape our lives and identity.
Savyon Liebrecht
Savyon Liebrecht was born in Munich in 1948, to Holocaust survivors who immigrated to Israel soon afterwards. She studied philosophy and literature at Tel Aviv University and began her writing career in 1986. She has received several awards for her work, including the Alterman Prize and the Amelia Rosselli Prize, and has been named Israel’s Playwright of the Year twice. Her books have been translated into nine languages. She lives in Tel Aviv.